João Gouveia
Addicted to making things, passionate about flying.
Will not shut up about Coding, 3D printing, FPV, Paragliding, Home Automation, Rockets, Electronics and Engineering
The Netherlands
Following (6)
longsleep Simon Eisenmann |
venusbai |
jhopmans Joost Hopmans |
helmuth |
sdangroshiya Snehal Dangroshiya |
fbartels Felix Bartels |
Followers (6)
sdangroshiya Snehal Dangroshiya |
longsleep Simon Eisenmann |
fbartels Felix Bartels |
mkuemmerle Mathias |
jhopmans Joost Hopmans |
helmuth |
Browse others (13)
nikolas Nikolas Thitu |
cperadams Rick Adams |
sad_cat Duncan Lemp |
robctheodo Rob |
micahlejp8b Micah Leathers |
twhiston Tom Whiston |
garycook Gary Cook |