Lee Tempest
From a small local independent trader to large corporate multi-national companies, many brands, promotional logos, printed and marketing collateral. Projects include advertising, exhibition, flyers, packaging, posters, signage, stationery and video.
Following (1)
philtaylor Phil E. Taylor |
Followers (1)
philtaylor Phil E. Taylor |
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saysew Sara |
lrudenick Leopoldo Rudenick |
sylvainlab Sylvain L. |
rawhed Andrew Griffiths |
uzielbaruj11 Uziel Baruj Rodriguez Lleixa |
laurentfough Łaurent ʘ❢Ŧ Ŧough |
valvin Valvin |
cdtsound Jim Holmes |
domval D V |
benwim Ben Wim |
mbwk Karl Birch |