I'm an old school punk rocker, anarchist, and chef living South of The Wall.
I dream of leaving my kids a better world than I came into, like The Moon or Mars. Theft of state spacecraft is a victimless crime.
Following (73)
latienda |
q_abolitionist |
nulluserid Teh Guvenuh |
gforanarchy12 Garrett |
nottythotty ginger asshole |
peacefulslavery Rabbi Jay |
beejereeno beejereeno |
invisibleimage |
colin_elliott Colin M. Elliott |
bravenuworld Rick Sanchez |
Followers (57)
biggumbo Big gumbo |
dagorist |
greeneggsandslam GFY FEMA Region 1 |
dadarchist1077 James |
agoristn |
latienda |
voluntare erica |
bravenuworld Rick Sanchez |
colin_elliott Colin M. Elliott |
invisibleimage |
Browse others (15)
justinboileau Justin Boileau |
treyreynolds Michael Trey Reynolds |
anon5r anon |
rymnd raymond |
valekasatvyuzh Lisyanskiy Glikeriy |
bcoker Beth |
netflash Alex Romanov |
jftrendhim Jens Fosgerau |
tmplt Tmplt |
guilhermef Guilherme Souza |
ihordvoretskyi Ihor Dvoretskyi |
maearnoldo Mae Arnoldo |