Chris Watt
[tekni:ʃɑ:] Bit of a nerd, tea drinker 🍵, beer and cider fan 🍻, proud parent to one good furry boi 🐶
Melbourne, Australia
Following (16)
freakboy3742 Russell Keith-Magee |
tamasys Jonathan Sala |
mattcen Matthew Cengia |
zemmiphobiahates Eliza Sorensen |
tchaypo James Polley |
flowblok Peter Ward |
jpoh Jonathan Poh |
lyyght Aaron McDonald |
nickf Nick F |
smperris Shane Perris |
Followers (17)
jamesalbert271 James Albert |
omalichajuliem Omalicha juliem |
cervaix Augusto Ramirez Martinez |
kyhwana Kyhwana |
mattcen Matthew Cengia |
bartekci |
jpoh Jonathan Poh |
tchaypo James Polley |
ignatius Ignatius Gilfedder |
flowblok Peter Ward |
Browse others (13)
omarashton Omar Ashton |
jamesjarvis James Jarvis |
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rooshp HP. Roos |
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snyder Matt Snyder |