Terraquista Common Shire
Developing the patterns, systems, and formulas of living to replace those generating disparity or discord in any way–and organizing populations to function in bioregional cooperative interdependence instead of geopolitical competitive independence.
ChAPter 3 of the Chevil Até Project in the NA25 bioregion (swansreach.org/c3)
Followers (3)
feralpeasant Andrea |
adunsay Aaron Dunsay |
paradoxp John |
Browse others (15)
hershelbronev Hershel Bronev |
behrendtio Mario Behrendt |
pdumbleton Paul Dumbleton |
josephsantos Joseph Ribeiro dos Santos |
babycakes baby cakes |
hallink halina rosiek |
hieroto Hieronim Tomaszewski |
justanimmigrant Just An Immigrant |
ejiroghene Wisdom Orogun |