"I was once a good kid, like you, but then I took a bullshit pie to the face."
Sitting on your ass.
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edmondluzon |
r2_adrianb_iop R2 |
thunderstorm411 |
summeroceanmeow |
hottecate Goat |
nightarrow Arrow |
mockingbirdsing sing |
kelphunter Nightengale |
noseknows |
road_house |
Followers (6)
crashingrabbit |
clown_pirate Sly |
kelphunter Nightengale |
hottecate Goat |
noseknows |
nightarrow Arrow |
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jacobbilyeu Jacob Bilyeu |
henryzhang Henry Zhang |
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pstray Peder Stray |
algerturriebb3x Alger Turrie |
kierat Sergiusz Kierat |
nutjob Sean Kelly |
bruceliator Bruceliator |
cmyr Colin Rofls |