Dave Carlson
I'm a geek's geek; before it was cool and to a degree that is still not
Seattle, WA
Following (34)
awaxa Greg Kitson |
muffins Nick Anderson |
malwareunicorn Amanda Rousseau |
jreese Amethyst Reese |
njameson Natalie Jameson |
sweis Steve Weis |
mattmacumber Matthew Macumber |
michel_slm Michel Alexandre Salim |
waloeiii W. Andrew Loe III |
andreacampi Andrea Campi |
Followers (14)
muffins Nick Anderson |
bcs bye-bye cherry shortcake |
jreese Amethyst Reese |
njameson Natalie Jameson |
lina Abby Edwards |
mattmacumber Matthew Macumber |
chrisbray Chris Bray |
jda Jade Angrboða |
packysauce Patrick White |
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alijaffer Ali Jaffer |
vkj_18 Alder |
andybryant Andy Bryant |
aedigatig39lbt Nadia Osmun |
vladn Vlad Niculae |
cchimera mica |
michelbalzer Michel Balzer |
cobaltic Vera Elizabeth Natalia McCoy |