Jake Jackson
Video games and software. Sometimes hockey.
Doing Partner and CI stuff at Ansible
Following (21)
elyezer Elyézer Rezende |
b3rn melbacoast |
matchete Mat Wilson |
ghjm Graham Mainwaring |
etonbongwoop Merri |
jladdjr Jim Ladd |
chrisshort Chris Short |
notting Bill Nottingham |
mlafrate Melissa LaFrate |
shortstack Whitney Champion |
Followers (14)
chadams Christian Adams |
confirm1one Badru Afeez Omowamiwale |
pressoo |
elyezer Elyézer Rezende |
chrisshort Chris Short |
etonbongwoop Merri |
jladdjr Jim Ladd |
mlafrate Melissa LaFrate |
j00bar Joshua jag Ginsberg |
huslage |
Browse others (14)
rjollet Renaud Jollet De Lorenzo |
aktg alex |
judahreeve Judah Man |
excsm Saimon Moore |
bitsofbinary John |
ashishcomps Ashish Shah |
neoma Neo MA |
jaymekrepps Jayme Krepps |
derekkinsman Derek J. Kinsman |
mcp MCP |
eusebiarobichaud Eusebia Robichaud |