Paolo Perego
Application security man with an insane passion fo development, guitar playing, taekwon-do, gtd, my wife and my childs not in this order
Gessate ( Milan ) Italy
Following (5)
migueldeicaza Miguel de Icaza |
tenderlove Aaron Patterson |
buffer Angelo Dell'Aera |
mikispag Michele Spagnuolo |
raistlin Stefano Zanero |
Followers (23)
sempiternum Sempiternum |
ferdinandolm Ferdinando La Mattina |
maroffo Massimiliano Aroffo |
sangrobert R.Sang |
jaynemelishmr Jayne Melish |
srstootoaxionry Karol Włodarczyk |
m1splacedsoul John Steven |
palinuro Lorenzo Faletra |
bizon1984 Poman |
voidsec Paolo Stagno (VoidSec) |