Vasco Leal Figueira
Computers (high-integrity, strongly typed; backend, ops and data)
Politics (liberal; freedom of speech, property, voluntary cooperation)
Philosophy (reluctant objectivist)
Economics (austrian)
Following (28)
jezhumble Jez Humble |
boicy James Lewis |
rmoeurotux Ricardo Oliveira |
kushalp Kushal Pisavadia |
bedeho Bedeho Mender |
stunthamster Mike Duffy |
hhtpcd |
paulobsf Paulo Ferreira |
martinkl Martin Kleppmann |
aboutlo Lorenzo Sicilia |
Followers (10)
vik Vik Bhatti |
shaniatulm Shania |
rmoeurotux Ricardo Oliveira |
stunthamster Mike Duffy |
mlopes Marco Paulo de Moura Lopes |
paulobsf Paulo Ferreira |
seanpascual Sean P |
lotia Ali Asad Lotia |
seufert Michael Seufert |
neilsaunders Neil Saunders |
Browse others (15)
dboeke David Boeke |
eko Vincent Composieux |
kmknight06 KK |
psd Paul Sumner Downey |
geanromao Gean Romao |
nithyanatarajn Nithya Natarajan |
agentangelo Preben T. A. Arentoft |
majky22 Mirko |
hc_eatkinson Erin Atkinson |
jkrause Juergen Krause |
synthx Synthx |