John Weis
Following Christ. Married to @emilycweis. Dad to Susan.
Technical Lead @TangramFlex.
Alum alchemy.codes @Clevertech @resource
Dev: Go, Node, AWS
Dayton, OH
Following (13)
djacobs24 David Jacobs |
tfalex Alex Sears |
rochard Pierre Rochard |
bgpowell_tangram Brian Powell |
bkyrlach Ben Kyrlach |
tonytrucco Tony Trucco |
tedmiston Taylor D. Edmiston |
jdoldren James Holdren |
swhite24 Steven White |
undertakingyou William David Smith |
Followers (23)
tylergarlick Tyler |
stephencurls Stephen Curls |
paulapeace paula peace |
richardsonjoseph Joseph Richardson |
ktje Kevin Tyler Jones-Evans |
f1337 Michael R. Fleet |
kjetangram |
swhite24 Steven White |
trixtur Ben Payne |
bamapgis Shhulennikova Avdotya |
Browse others (15)
bagmangood Nick |
bromanko Brian Romanko |
blockpane Todd G |
flkgstonekce Rebecka Wohlwend |
alexq Alex |
yschanql Yu Sing Chan |
logan Logan Holmes |
cswanaz Chizuko Swanson |
monikad Monika Doanova |
nibsoar Brian Olsen |
renjithtst Renjith S S |
jojomama JoJo |