Jan Friman
Entrepreurial to go. Aligned with a regenerative mindset. Generative communication. Co-learning through Lead To Learn. Think+
Following (24)
perlmutterlabs Aaron Perlmutter |
claes Claes Magnusson |
oprearica Aurica Oprea |
coinbase Coinbase |
kevinrose Kevin Rose |
piamancini Pia Mancini |
danielmcclure Daniel McClure |
mathewi Mathew Ingram |
alannairving Alanna Irving |
johnkellden John Kellden |
Followers (13)
evolvednetwork Evolved Network |
claes Claes Magnusson |
oprearica Aurica Oprea |
feedbae Freda Benson |
paras_twoj Pawe Rasokowiak |
johnkellden John Kellden |
guyjames Guy James |
robert_best Robert Best |
nologik Thomas P Braun |
joemari Joe Mauriello |
Browse others (14)
runslett Rune Slettebakken |
snb Nick Barkas |
rholroyd Richard Holroyd |
youmew Youssef Azzaoui |
hermdog Bennett Hitchcox-lain |
shawnhayes Shawn Hayes |
alretolding Agnieszka Dobro |
thekingpin77 A V |
evilafterdark Andrew Collier |
kriskringle Kris Kringle |